Here is a mounty keeping track of the traffic:
We made it as far as Weyburn tonight before forward progress was halted by snow.
Today went really well and while the original plan was to get to Minot tonight, this works out a little better to use up the rest of our Canada money.
Depending on what kind of weather we get tomorrow in Dakota and Minnesota will determine when we get home. I'm pretty sure we can get through as much snow as we had today, it just might be a long day (the roads were much worse the next day due to drifting, but once we crossed the border it was smooth sailing).
If we get good roads it will be a 12 hour day (turned into 14 hours).
This is on the last day at the alleged geographical center of North America. It was so cold (the windchill finally got us that day) that it was hard to smile. I think I frost burned my teeth:
The last day took longer because we couldn't go diagonal across ND on 52 or straight south to Bismark and then over, but instead went east on 2 to Grand Forks and then south because of snow.
I got to show the Mrs. around the old stomping grounds although I don't recognize much of it anymore.
Here is after the last day:
We just got home. Today was a long one, but it's nice to be back. We drove through some pretty good snow drifts right before the Canadian border this morning, but the Saturn chugged right through.
At one point we had to share the one clear lane of the two lane road with oncoming traffic.
The parking lot wasn't plowed this morning at the motel, so we got stuck and I pushed us out onto the road after some effort. Lot's of people took the time to watch our struggles, but ironically no one stopped to help until we were already on the road.
I was happy to not have to use the tire chains this trip.
I was not happy being down 3 quarts of oil when we pulled into Devils Lake ND today. Sounds like it was caused by the extreme temps. because it's been holding oil since then.
We ended the journey by chipping out our garage door which had become frozen to the cement in our absence.
The next day:
We are starting to get used to me not having to scramble to get things done before rushing back to Anchorage. We are all unpacked and now it is on with the task of finding me a job.
The road trip went by quickly. I wish more of it had been during the day to take in the great scenery the first three days.
Here is a pix that shows all the stuff I had in my car:
You sure have a nice pile of stuff. How many bikes were in there with you?
What's next?
2 bikes, a set of cross country skis, and too much other crap to list here.
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