On Memorial Day the Mrs. and I went for a hike in the foothills east of Anchorage at the O' Malley trail head. There is still some snow up there and lots of runoff, so it's still pretty wet.
After we finished up we drove to another more popular hiking spot called Flattop to check it out. It was really crowded and the views that day looked great. We were already tired, so we started heading back down the hills into Anchorage.
Ahead of us on a narrow road were two cars stopped and they left a space between them that I could fit in. I was hungry, and got frustrated so I started to go between them when I noticed the people in the car facing uphill getting out their cameras.
"What are they taking pictures of," I demanded of the Mrs.
"There's a bear stealing a garbage can and dragging it into the woods," she declared.
But in my haste I'd already driven too far and didn't get to see it.
A different thread
2 months ago